well .. what I first thought was a letter with some fab potential ,smolders now in a large pile of sketch fail.
"Xenophobic" a cool word meaning "the fear of the strange or unusual" was a home run word. But, after many thumbnail ideas I realized I had nothing, so I went with "Xanadu" and started to create some creepy story about the "Magic Owls of Xanadu" and then... noticed that the owl looked more like something Aunt Elaine would have hung on her kitchen wall back in the day.
So, I just decided to draw Uncle Larry & Aunt Elaine and a friendly firecracker - to blow all this mess up with.
Ok ,a few winks a bowl of soup and some Warren Zevon gave birth to the Wereowl of Xanadu. this is what happens to you if you listen to too much Olivia Newton John. (thanks Jack ; )