Friday, July 31, 2009

Ushanka Girl painting

Not technically my painting a week piece-(fail for now)
But a new piece none the less.
I encourage everyone in the CBus area to go check out a great new show at Rivet Gallery "We'll be Right Back After These Messages"
Some very fine work in that show!

Be sure to tell Maxe hi!


Unknown said...

This turned out pretty rad. I likee!

Jack C. Gregory said...

I really like this pallet. MEOW!

Shannon Bonatakis said...

love it :D!

'turff said...

...there is somthin' 'bout purple girls that makes me act all goofy and stuff...

David Groff said...

It is something purple but I don't think it's the girl, slick.

Adam Levene said...

whoa! this is coolios dude.

Andy Stattmiller said...